Vigilant Vault
Developed in a team of 5, a product called Vigilant Vault, which is a device that will scan and change vulnerable passwords of IoT devices on your home network, then store changed passwords
Key Features:
- Utilized nMap in order to find all devices on the network and using the IP and MAC Address
- The scan also used a Selenium script to figure out if the device used a default password by cross referencing with our postgress Database we have deployed.
- Implemented an interactive system allowing users to view their devices
- and determine if they want the system to be in active or monitoring mode. Determining if the passwords will be automatically changed or not.
Technologies Used:
- Python
- Git
- Selenium
- JS
- Raspberry Pi5
- Postgres
Challenges and Solutions:
Challenges I encountered were how to navigate the website in order to find the change password field, but also how to even figure out the default password for that device. Ended up finding an online dataset which had all common default Passwords and Usernames for different manufactures. With this, we worked on integration with pulling the information and saving as a JSON file for the script to read correctly. Then from there worked on making the Selenium script to be able to navigate autonomously given any website structure to find the change password field.
The outcome was a finished prototype of the product hosted on a raspberry pi 5. With this, we were able to demonstrate the product to cyber-security experts and other faculty at our school.
Code Repository:
Find the code on GitHub
Stay tuned for a live demo!